HomeCast barsCast barsCollectionsThe Seven Deadly Sins
2 oz40.13 x 25.07 x 7.5 mm
2 oz40.13 x 25.07 x 7.5 mm
2 oz40.13 x 25.07 x 7.5 mm
About this series

The Seven Deadly Sins, a concept rooted in Christian theology, serve as a framework for moral introspection, identifying the roots of human wrongdoing and behaviour. These sins are seen as the main vices that give rise to other sins and misbehaviours. A detailed summary of each is given below:

  • Lust (Luxuria) Refers to the unbridled desire for sexual pleasures. Lust involves an excessive pursuit of sexual gratification, often outside of ethical and moral boundaries.
  • Gluttony (Gluttony) Represents the excessive and unnecessary consumption of food or drink. This sin goes beyond the need for survival and is associated with pleasure for pleasure’s sake, leading to overindulgence.
  • Avarice (Avaritia) This sin manifests itself in the insatiable desire to accumulate wealth and material possessions, placing material value above spiritual well-being and the well-being of others.
  • Sloth (Acedia) Sloth is the lack of effort and avoidance of work. It refers not only to physical laziness, but also to spiritual laziness, such as neglect of the practice of faith and indifference to moral duties.
  • Anger (Ira) Anger involves intense feelings of hatred, anger or resentment, which can lead to violence, bitterness and other destructive behaviour.
  • Envy (Invidia) This sin is characterised by resentment or sadness at the well-being or success of another person. Envy leads to the desire for others to lose what they have, rather than to seek one’s own well-being.
  • Vanity (Superbia) Considered the gravest of the deadly sins, is excessive self-love or self-exaltation, which leads to contempt for others and overestimation of one’s own abilities to the detriment of humility.

These sins are used in Christianity not only as a guide to confession and repentance, but also as a tool to encourage personal reflection on one’s actions and their impact on one’s relationship with God and others.

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