HomeCollector CoinsCoin SeriesCollectionsEnd of Humanity
2 oz45 mm
About this series

After the extinction of mankind on the face of the Earth, life is making its way and nature and many animal species on the verge of extinction are beginning to recover. In this series we recreate these scenarios, full of life and at the same time so sad, with the intention of experiencing a reflection on the course of our species, so intelligent and at the same time so self-destructive.

We will explore every emotion and feeling that has made human beings what they are today, and that could be lost in future history, where with the passing of time all traces and legacy of humanity would be lost: memory, conscience, forgetfulness, faith, friendship, hope, in short, the awareness that we are beings different from everyone else, but although we currently occupy the highest step of the pyramid of life, we have barely been on this planet for a breath, and just as we reached the top we could disappear and leave no trace behind.

It’s our responsibility, everyone’s responsibility, to ensure that this never happens, we still have time to rescue the humanity that has allowed us to reach the top of the Earth’s very long history.

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