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Sir Lancelot
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About this series

We have selected the most popular and relevant of all the Knights of the Round Table of Camelot, starting with the one who presides over it, King Arthur.

  • Arthur Pendragon The legendary British monarch, leader of the Knights of the Round Table. He is the son of Uther Pendragon and becomes king when he pulls the sword Excalibur from the stone. His reign is characterised by the search for the Holy Grail and the defence of his kingdom against invaders and traitors. His story ends tragically due to the betrayal of his wife Guinevere and his best knight, Lancelot.
  • Sir Lancelot One of the most famous and skilled knights of the Round Table. He is known for his bravery, skill in combat and, unfortunately, his illicit love for Queen Guinevere, which ultimately leads to the fall of Arthur’s kingdom.
  • Sir Perceval Famous for his quest for the Holy Grail. Initially naive, Perceval grows in wisdom and skill, becoming one of the most important knights of Arthurian legend, especially in the stories involving the Grail.
  • Sir Degore Protagonist of his own medieval legend. In his story, he is the son of a knight and a princess and embarks on adventures to discover his true identity.
  • Sir Bedwere (or Bedivere) One of Arthur’s oldest and most loyal knights. He is famous for being the knight who returns the sword Excalibur to the lake after Arthur’s last battle.
  • Sir Kay Arthur’s half-brother, known for his sarcastic and sometimes brusque character. Despite his faults, he is a loyal and brave knight who has served Arthur since the beginning of his reign.
  • Sir Galahad Son of Lancelot, he is known for his purity and is one of the few to find the Holy Grail. Galahad is often portrayed as the most perfect and spiritual knight of the Round Table.
  • Sir Bors (Bohor) One of the three knights to obtain the Holy Grail along with Galahad and Perceval. He is known for his piety and commitment to knighthood.
  • Sir Gawain (Gauvain) Nephew of Arthur, famed for his strength, chivalry and courtesy. He is one of the most prominent knights in the Arthurian stories, best known for his adventure with the Green Knight.
  • Sir Tristan Famous for his tragic love affair with Isolde. He is a brave and skilled knight, but his story focuses more on his romance than his exploits at the Round Table.
  • Sir Hector (or Ector) is King Arthur’s adoptive father. He raised Arthur from infancy, unaware that he was destined to be king. He is known for his nobility and loyalty, and in some versions of the legend, becomes a knight of the Round Table after Arthur ascends the throne.
  • Sir Lamorak One of the bravest knights of the Round Table, known for his great strength and skill in combat. Son of Pellinore, he takes part in numerous adventures and is renowned for his bravery. However, he is also known for his tragic love affairs and personal conflicts, which often place him in difficult situations within Arthur’s court.

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