HomeCollector CoinsCoin SeriesCollectionsThe Immortal Eight
Lü Dongbin
2 oz45 mm
Zhang Guolao
2 oz45 mm
About this series

The Eight Immortals are legendary figures in Chinese mythology, each with their own unique stories and attributes.

  • He Xiangu (何仙姑) The only female of the group, often depicted holding a lotus flower, a symbol of purity. He Xiangu is said to have attained immortality through a special diet and meditation. Her presence represents fortune and longevity.
  • Cao Guojiu (曹國舅) Brother of an empress, he is the patron of actors and is often shown in official dress and castanets. He represents high status and nobility. He became immortal after a period of penance and purification.
  • Li Tieguai (李鐵拐) Renowned for his limp and iron crutch, Li Tieguai is a hermit with powers to heal and help the poor. It is said that his soul travelled to heaven but his body died, and he was forced to inhabit the body of a beggar. He represents compassion and medicine.
  • Lan Caihe (藍采和) Of ambiguous gender, Lan Caihe is often portrayed in tattered clothes and holding a basket of flowers or a musical instrument. His story focuses on nonchalance and detachment from materialism.
  • Lü Dongbin (呂洞賓) One of the best known, Lü Dongbin is seen as a scholar and swordsman. He is often depicted with a sword on his back and a fly whip, symbols of his power to defeat evil spirits. He is the patron saint of alchemists and barbers.
  • Han Xiangzi (韓湘子) Nephew of a famous Tang dynasty politician, Han Xiangzi is known for his flute. He is a patron of musicians and represents the importance of culture and the arts.
  • Zhang Guolao (張果老) An eccentric old man often depicted riding a donkey backwards and holding a fish drum. He represents longevity and is patron saint of the elderly. He is known for his mystical abilities and his disregard for social conventions.
  • Zhongli Quan (鍾離權) He is depicted as a robust and cheerful man, with a fan that can revive the dead and transform stones into gold. He is the leader of the Eight Immortals and represents wealth and power.

Together, the Eight Immortals symbolise different aspects of Taoist life and are believed to offer teachings and protection to their followers and admirers.

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